The Flat-Coated Retrievers and Beagles of Blazin Kennels  
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12/04/16 Northeastern MD KC West Friendship, MD
Under Christine Calcinari:
Rudy, BISS/RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S JOIE DE VIVRE CDX JH WCX, handled by Dawn, won Best of Breed!

Piston, BLAZIN'S OFF ROAD DRIVE'N,, handled by Dawn, won Winners Dog for another point and handled by Colin won Best of Winners & Best of Breed Owner-Handled! He went on to win an Owner Handled Sporting Group 1 under Christine Calcinari and a Reserve Best Owner-Handled In Show under Dr. Carol White-Moser!

Slurpee, BLAZIN'S NO SUGAR ADDED NA NAJ, handled by Anne, won Winners Bitch for her 5th point!
12/03/16 Catoctin KC Point of Rocks, MD
Juvi, GCH BLAZIN'S LICENSE TO DRIVE *CDX* BN GN RAE AX OAJ NF, handled by Dawn got her 3rd Open leg, 1st place and her CDX title under Robert Squires!
Gooey, GCH BLAZIN'S KRAZY GLUE BN RN, handled by Marty got her 1st Novice leg under Don Levinson!
12/02/16 Chesapeake KC West Friendship, MD
Piston, BLAZIN'S OFF ROAD DRIVE'N, handled by Dawn won Winners Dog & Best of Winners & Best of Breed Owner-Handled for his 1st point and a Sporting Group Third Owner-Handled under Sandra Novocin! Rudy, BISS/RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S JOIE DE VIVRE CDX JH WCX, was handled by Dawn to Select Dog at the same show!!
11/27/16 Rock Creek KC West Friendship, MD
Juvi, GCH BLAZIN'S LICENSE TO DRIVE CD BN GN RAE AX OAJ NF, handled by Dawn got her 2nd Open leg and 2nd place under Donna Meade!
11/27/2016 San Joaquin KC Turlock, CA
Jack, **BIS** BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed/Group 1 under Gregory Anderson and Best In Show under Robert Paust!! This is Blazin's 1st Best In Show!!!
11/26/16 Rock Creek KC West Friendship, MD
Solar, CH BLAZIN'S LIGHTNING BUG CD BN RE AX OAJ, handled by Marty got her 1st Preferred Open leg and 3rd place under Donna Meade!
Immy, CH BLAZIN'S MAGIC MARKER RN, handled by Marty got her 3rd Novice Rally leg, 3rd place and her RN title under Debra Barrows!
11/25-26/2016 Golden Valley KC Turlock, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed/Group 2 under Bettyann Hale on Saturday . On Sunday Jack won Best of Breed under Tom Hale!!
11/12-13/2016 Wine Country KC Napa, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Select on Saturday under Walter Sommerfelt. On Sunday Jack won Best of Breed under Debbie Melgreen!!
10/29-30/2016 Sacramento Valley Dog Fanciers Dixon, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Select on Saturday under Walter Sommerfelt. On Sunday Jack won Best of Breed under Debbie Melgreen!!
10/30/16 NBCC Agility Frederick, MD
Solar, CH BLAZIN'S LIGHTNING BUG CD BN RE AX OAJ, handled by Marty won 2nd place in the Master STD 24" class for her 2nd MX leg!
Slurpee, BLAZIN'S NO SUGAR ADDED, handled by Ann won 1st place in both Novice STD & JWW 24" class for her 2nd NA & NAJ legs!
10/29/16 NBCC Agility Frederick, MD
Juvi, GCH BLAZIN'S LICENSE TO DRIVE CD BN GN RAE AX OAJ *NF*, handled by Dawn won 2nd place in the Novice Fast 24" class for her 3rd NF leg and her NF title and also picked up her 1st MX leg in the Master STD 24" class!
Benny, CH BLAZIN'S LIFE IS GOOD CD JH MX MXJ XF WC , handled by Tina had a Double Q in the Master STD & JWW 24" classes finishing his MXJ title!!
Slurpee, BLAZIN'S NO SUGAR ADDED, handled by Ann won 2nd place in Novice STD 24" and 1st place in Novice JWW 24" for her 1st NA & NAJ legs!
10/22-23/2016 Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore Pleasanton, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed on Saturday under Sandra Novocin. On Sunday Jack won Best of Opposite under Ann Yuhasz!!
10/23/2016 Upper Potomac Valley KC Cumberland, MD
In Conformation under Mary:
Piston, BLAZIN'S OFF ROAD DRIVE'N, handled by Dawn, won 4-6 Puppy Group 2!
In Rally under Karen Frese:
Juvi, GCH BLAZIN'S LICENSE TO DRIVE CD BN GN *RAE* AX OAJ, handled by Dawn, got her 9th & 10th RAE legs, with 1 100s and 1 1st, 2nd & 2rd and her RAE title!

Swizzle, CH BLAZIN'S NIGHT CAP *RN* CL1-R CL1-S CL1-F, handled by Dawn, got her 3rd RN leg and 1st place with a 99 and her RN title!
In Obedience under Pat Hess:
Swizzle, CH BLAZIN'S NIGHT CAP RN *RN* *BN* CL1-R CL1-S CL1-F, handled by Dawn, got her 3rd BN leg and 1st place with a 190.5 and her BN title!
10/22/2016 Laurel Highlands Kennel Assoc. Cumberland, MD
In Conformation under Jean Boyd:
Piston, BLAZIN'S OFF ROAD DRIVE'N, handled by Dawn, won 4-6 Puppy Group 4!
In Rally under Jaylyn Beaver:
Juvi, GCH BLAZIN'S LICENSE TO DRIVE CD BN GN RE AX OAJ, handled by Dawn, got her 7th & 8th RAE legs, with 2 100s and 2 2nds and 1 3rd place!

Swizzle, CH BLAZIN'S NIGHT CAP CL1-R CL1-S CL1-F, handled by Dawn, got her 2nd RN leg and 1st place with a 98!

Immy, GCH BLAZIN'S KRAZY GLUE, handled by Marty, got her 1st & 2nd RN legs and a 3rd & 1st place with scores of 97 & 100!
In Obedience under Nancy Withers:
Swizzle, CH BLAZIN'S NIGHT CAP, handled by Dawn, got her 2nd BN leg and 1st place with a 186!
10/21/2016 Upper Potomac Valley KC Cumberland, MD
In Conformation under Wayne Boyd:
Piston, BLAZIN'S OFF ROAD DRIVE'N, handled by Dawn, won 4-6 Puppy Group 2!
In Rally under Nancy Withers:
Swizzle, CH BLAZIN'S NIGHT CAP, handled by Dawn, got her 1st RN leg and 1st place with a 99!
In Obedience under Victoria Brown:
Swizzle, CH BLAZIN'S NIGHT CAP CL1-R CL1-S CL1-F, handled by Dawn, got her 1st BN leg and 3rd place with a 189.5!
10/21/2016 Skyline Dog Fanciers of San Mateo Cty Pleasanton, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Select under Robert Vandiver!
10/16/2016 National Capital KC West Friendship, MD
Juvi, GCH BLAZIN'S LICENSE TO DRIVE CD BN GN RE AX OAJ, handled by Dawn, got her 5th RAE leg, under Debra Barrows and her 6th RAE leg with 1 100 and 1st place under Cheryl Pratt!!
10/15/16 Catonsville KC West Friendship, MD
Immy, CH BLAZIN'S MAGIC MARKER CGC, handled by Marty, won Select Bitch for 5 GCH points under Peter Machen at the CRFCRC Supported Entry!!
10/8-9/2016 Donner Trail KC Roseville, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed on Saturday under Joanne Paulk. On Sunday Jack won Best of Breed under Faye Strauss and a Group 4 under Joanne Paulk!!
10/07/2016 Capital Dog Training Club Point of Rocks, MD
Juvi, GCH BLAZIN'S LICENSE TO DRIVE CD BN GN RE AX OAJ, handled by Dawn, got her 3rd RAE leg, with a score of 99 & 100 and High Combined under Celeste Meade and her 4th RAE leg with 1 100 and 1st place under Phyllis Broderick!!
10/1-2/2016 Bonanza KC of Carson City Carson City, NV
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed both days under Christopher Neale & Marissa Clark!!
09/25/2016 Two Cities KC Yuba, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed under Stephen Hubbell!
09/17-18/2016 Sir Francis Drake KC Vallejo, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed on Saturday under Kenneth Berg. On Sunday Jack won Best of Breed under Eva Berg and a Group 4 under Sue Goldberg!!
09/15-16/2016 Lake County KC of Northern CA Vallejo, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed on Thursday under Linda Hurlebaus and a Group 3 under Linda More!! On Friday, Jack won Best of Breed under Anne Bolus!!
09/11/16 PVGRC Agility Frederick, MD
Solar, CH BLAZIN'S LIGHTNING BUG CD BN RE AX OAJ, handled by Marty picked up her 1st MX leg in the Master STD 24" class!
09/10-11/2016 Redwood Empire KC Petaluma, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed on Saturday under Joy Brewster and a Group 1 & Reserve Best In Show under Robert Slay!! On Sunday, Jack won Best of Breed under Chris Levy!!
09/3-4/2016 Mensona KC Santa Rosa, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed on Saturday under Pat Trotter and Select on Sunday under Honey Anne Glendinning!!
08/27-28/2016 Mensona Santa Rosa, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed on Saturday under Vitor Veiga and Best of Breed & Group 2 on Sunday under Linda More!!
08/6-7/2016 Richmond Dog Fanciers Dixon, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed both days under James Fehring & Stephanie Hedgepath!!
JULY 2016
07/30/2016 Washington Poodle Club Beltsville, MD
Benny, CH BLAZIN'S LIFE IS GOOD CD JH MX AXJ XF WC , handled by Scott, picked up his 3rd CD leg, 1st Place and his Companion Dog title!!
07/16-17/2016 Del Monte KC Carmel, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed both days under Beth Sweigart & Pluis Davern!!
07/10/2016 National Capital KC W Friendship, MD
Swizzle, CH BLAZIN'S NIGHT CAP, handled by Dawn, won Select under Marion Lyons, for her 1st two GCH points!!
07/9/2016 Upper Marlboro KC W Friendship, MD
Swizzle, *CH* BLAZIN'S NIGHT CAP, handled by Dawn, won Winners Bitch/Best of Winners/Best Opposite under Sandy Novocin, for her 3rd Major and her Championship!!
Immy, CH BLAZIN'S MAGIC MARKER CGC, handled by Marty, won Select for another GCH point at the same show!!
07/8/2016 Northeastern MD KC W Friendship, MD
Swizzle, BLAZIN'S NIGHT CAP, handled by Dawn, won Winners Bitch/Best of Winners/Best Owner Handler under Carol Brown, for her 14th point and an Owner Handler Sporting Group 4 under Sandy Novocin!!
07/08/2016 Channel City KC Ventura, CA
Jack, BOSS RBIS GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed/Sporting Group 1 under Pat Trotter!!
JUNE 2016
06/26/16 PVGRC Agility Frederick, MD
Solar, CH BLAZIN'S LIGHTNING BUG CD BN RE *AX* OAJ, handled by Marty won 2nd place in the Excellent STD 24" class for her 3rd AX leg and the AX title! Solar,, handled by Marty also won 1st place in the Excellent JWW 24" class for her 1st AXJ leg!
06/11-12/2016 Contra Costa County KC Vallejo, CA
On Saturday at the FCRSA Supported Entry, Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed under Nancy Talbott, in an entry of 45 dogs. Jack went on to win a Sporting Group 1 under Doug Johnson, and Reserve Best In Show under Sulie Greendale-Paveza! In doing so he defeated 2409 dogs!!!
On Sunday, Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Select Dog under Jamie Hubbard!
06/10/2016 Yosemite KC Vallejo, CA
Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed/Best Owner Handled under David Swartwood!!
06/9/2016 FCRSA National Specialty Sacramento, CA
At the FCRSA National Specialty, Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Opposite/Best Owner Handled under Doug Johnson!! What an absolutely thrilling win!!
MAY 2016
05/21-22/2016 Coyote Hills KC Vallejo, CA
On Saturday, Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won an Best of Breed/Best Owner Handled under Mrs Judy Webb, Owner Handled Group 2 under Dr. Ruby Hertz!!
On Sunday, Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won an Select Dog/Best Owner Handled under Rita Bell, Owner Handled Group 1 under Richard Lewis, and Owner Handled Best In Show under Dr. Ruby Hertz!!!
05/22/16 Mattaponi KC Manassas, MD
Immy, CH BLAZIN'S MAGIC MARKER CGC, handled by Marty, won Best of Opposite for 2 GCH points under Barbara Kloss!!
Slurpee, BLAZIN'S NO SUGAR ADDED, handled by Anne, won Winners Bitch for another point at the same show!!
05/21/16 Mattaponi KC Manassas, MD
Immy, CH BLAZIN'S MAGIC MARKER CGC, handled by Marty, won Best of Breed for her 1st GCH major and 5 points her first time as a Special under Jamie Hubbard!!
Slurpee, BLAZIN'S NO SUGAR ADDED, handled by Anne, won Winners Bitch/Best of Winners for another point at the same show!!
05/07-08/2016 Gavilan Kennel Club Tre Pines, CA
On Saturday, Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won an Best of Breed/Best Owner Handled under Linda More, Owner Handled Group 1 under Donnelle Richards and topped it off with an Owner Handled Reserve Best In Show under Sally Vilas!!!
On Sunday, Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won an Best of Breed/Best Owner Handled under Mr William Russell, Owner Handled Group 1 under Del Richards, Owner Handled Best In Show under Allen Odom and topped it off with a Sporting Group 1 under Linda More !!!
April 2016
04/23-24/2016 Chief Solano Kennel Club Vallejo, CA
On Saturday, Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won an Best of Breed/Best Owner Handled under Mr. Terry Stacy and an Owner Handled Group 3 under Gloria Geringer!!!
On Sunday, Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won a Best of Breed/Best Owner Handled under Gloria Geringer and an Owner Handled Group 2 under Mr. Terry Stacy!!
04/24/16 Baltimore County KC Timonium, MD
Immy, CH BLAZIN'S MAGIC MARKER CGC, handled by Marty, won Winners Bitch for her 3rd major, 3 points and her Championship under Daniel Dowling!!
Benny, CH BLAZIN'S LIFE IS GOOD JH AX AXJ XF WC, handled by Scott, won Select dog for another 3 pt major and Swizzle, BLAZIN'S NIGHT CAP CGC, handled by Dawn, won reserve at the same show!!
04/23/16 Old Dominion KC Timonium, MD
Swizzle, BLAZIN'S NIGHT CAP CGC, handled by Dawn, won Winners Bitch for her 13th point under Sam McDonald!
Immy, BLAZIN'S MAGIC MARKER CGC, handled by Marty won reserve at the same show!
04/16-17/2016 Sacramento Kennel Club Sacramento, CA
On Saturday, Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed/Best Owner Handled under Mrs. Diane Fenton and an Owner Handled Group 1 under Donavon Thompson plus a Sporting Group 2 handled by Rachel Elise!!!
On Sunday, Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed/Best Owner Handled under Philip John and an Owner Handled Group 2 under RC Williams!!
MARCH 2016
03/26-27/2016 Oakland Kennel Club Vallejo, CA
On Saturday, Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed/Best Owner Handled under Mrs. Linda Riedel and an Owner Handled Group 1 under Dean Laney!!
On Sunday, Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won Best of Breed/Best Owner Handled/Owner Handled Group 1 under Mrs. Kathyrn Cowsert!!
03/25/2016 San Mateo Kennel Club, Inc. Vallejo, CA
Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won an Best of Breed/Best Owner Handled under Mrs. Carole A. Beattie, Owner Handled Group 1 under Mrs. Carol Spritzer and topped it off with an Owner Handled Best In Show under Ekarat Sangkunakup!!!
03/05/16 MD Sporting Dog Assoc. West Friendship, MD
At the CRFCRC Supported Entry under Penny DiSiena:
Miles, CH BLAZIN MILES OF TIDALFLATS JH WC, handled by Cliff, won Winners Dog/Best Of Winners for another major and his Championship title!

Swizzle, BLAZIN'S NIGHT CAP, handled by Dawn, won Reserve Winners Bitch!
In Obedience:
Juvi, CH BLAZIN'S LICENSE TO DRIVE CD BN GN RE AX OAJ , handled by Dawn, picked up her 1st CDX leg under John Landis!

Benny, CH BLAZIN'S LIFE IS GOOD JH AX AXJ XF WC , handled by Scott, picked up his 1st CD leg under Victoria Brown! Benny went on to pick up his 2nd CD Leg the next day under David Brobst!!
02/21/16 Maryland KC West Friendship, MD
Immy, BLAZIN'S MAGIC MARKER CGC, handled by Marty, won Winners Bitch/Best of Winners for her 2nd major and 4 points under Diane Kepley!!
Juvi, GCH BLAZIN'S LICENSE TO DRIVE CD BN GN RE AX OAJ, handled by Dawn, won Select Bitch for another 4 pt major at the same show!!
02/20/16 Maryland KC West Friendship, MD
Miles, BLAZIN MILES OF TIDALFLATS JH WC, handled by Cliff, won Winners Dog/Best of Winners for another point under Delores Burkholder!!
02/16/16 Westminster KC New York, NY
Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, handled by Cheryl, won an Award of Merit under Virginia Murray!!
1/31/16 ODTC Agility Timonium, MD
Solar, CH BLAZIN'S LIGHTNING BUG CD BN RE OA OAJ, handled by Marty won 1st place in the Ex STD 24" class for her 2nd AX leg!
1/30/16 ODTC Agility Timonium, MD
Solar, CH BLAZIN'S LIGHTNING BUG CD BN RE OA OAJ, handled by Marty won 1st place in the Open JWW 24" class for her 3rd OAJ leg and the OAJ title!
1/29/16 ODTC Agility Timonium, MD
Juvi, CH BLAZIN'S LICENSE TO DRIVE CD BN GN RE AX OAJ, handled by Dawn won 1st place in the Open JWW 24" class for her 3rd OAJ leg and the OAJ title!
1/30-31/16 Golden Gate KC CA
Jack, GCH BLAZIN'S KARIBBEAN BLACK SPARROW, was handled by Cheryl to Best of Breed under Liz Muthard and Best of Breed under Betty Stenmark and an Owner Handled Group 1!!
01/09/16 CRFCRC Rosette Winners Bel Air, MD

Martin J. Archambeault & Dawn M. Buttion
Mt. Airy, Maryland

Dawn  Marty

Recent Wins